Cromarty East Church. SRCT.
Guide book

East Church guideThe richly-illustrated East Church guide book details the fascinating history of the church from medieval to modern times.

60 pages long, the guide book describes the church, its architecture, the community of Cromarty and the individuals who have played a part in the church's history.

You can buy a copy for £7.50 (inc p&p) by using the paypal button below or sending a cheque made out to 'SRCT' to 51 Church St, Cromarty, Ross & Cromarty, IV11 8XA.


East Church Guide









East Church, Cromarty Guide











East Church, Cromarty Guide

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Being able to look at a building in this detail is a real privilege. It is fascinating not only to study the building fabric and try and work out some of the stages in the church’s development, but also to look at the archaeology within the church.

Benny Malone, Highland Archaeology Services

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