Cromarty East Church. SRCT.

Churches on the fiddle

11 June 2013

Two churches linked to the  Scottish Redundant Churches Trust (SRCT) are on the fiddle this July.

But happily they’re not bending any rules, or looking for loopholes in the law, they are going to be filled with beautiful music.
Black Isle Fiddle Weekend 2013The East Church will be playing host for the third year to the finale of the Black Isle fiddle weekend (5-7 July), organised by Lauren MacColl. This year the performer is Duncan Chisholm. His music is powerful and moving in any location, and in the superb acoustics and enfolding ambiance of the East Church this concert is guaranteed to be a night to remember. The concert is on Saturday 6 July at 8pm.

Duncan Chisholm concert, East Church, Cromarty

Find out more about the fiddle weekend at
St Margaret's Church, BraemarThe SRCT is also part a group of organisations working with the community of Braemar to find new purpose for St Margaret’s Episcopal Church as a community arts space. Like the East Church, St Margaret’s has excellent acoustics and will be the venue for the finale concert of the Braemar Fiddle Week, which runs from 8 -14 July. This week, led by renowned northeast fiddlers Paul Anderson and Jonny Hardie will specialise in teaching the northeast fiddle style, with classes and workshops at the community-run Braemar Castle. The concert is on Saturday 13th July at 7.30pm.

Paul Anderson fiddle workshop, Braemar

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So there you  have it - two very special churches, lots of talented musicians - and the chance to have ten days of happy fiddling if you make a holiday of it and go along to both.
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Being able to look at a building in this detail is a real privilege. It is fascinating not only to study the building fabric and try and work out some of the stages in the church’s development, but also to look at the archaeology within the church.

Benny Malone, Highland Archaeology Services

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