Happy Fiddlers
08 July 2019
Lauren MacColl's comment on the 9th Fiddle Festival she's organised in Cromarty:
All over for the 9th year! What a brilliant weekend in Cromarty! A few folk missing from this photo after a lovely play in @EastChurchCrom. With thanks to Anna, Bethany and Jenna for the brilliant teaching all weekend. And @MairearadG too!Here’s to the big 10 next year! 

Lauren is in the blue pinafore - and one of the East Church's most enthusiastic advocates. We're very proud of the two albums recorded in the church - by Rant (of which Lauren's a member) and by Brìghde Chaimbeul through Lauren's recommendation. We'd also like to thank her for her generous donation from the weekend.
You can see more about Lauren's work at http://laurenmaccoll.co.uk/

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